The Factory is curated by RJ Armstrong, Kara Rozzi, & John Garner, owners of Riot Bread Enterprises, LLC. Founded as the Riot Bread Art Collective in 1998, Riot Bread has been producing visual art, literary zines, art exhibits and performing arts events in Texas, California & Florida for over 25 years. Riot Bread continues this work today through the Factory on 5th where we nourish, support and connect colorful creatives to produce a vibrant living tapestry of our local ATX community.
Factory on 5th
fac·to·ry on fifth / ˈfakt(ə)rē ôn fi(f)TH / place
A pink Quonset hut building constructed in 1948 by the U.S. Army, the Factory has served as a warehouse, beverage bottling factory, recycling facility, welding & carpentry shop, and creative home for Cherry Cola Dog & Art Island ATX. Today the Factory produces art, performance, workshops, events and community connectivity.
“Yo I was making mad art during the punk show yesterday when I got to talking with a filmmaker looking to screen her debut in collaboration with a local dance troupe so she’s popping in after figure drawing tonight to talk details.”
Riot Bread Enterprises
ri·ot bread en·ter·pris·es / ˈrīət bred ˈen-tə-ˌprīz-əz / people
A unit of economic organization generating a sustainable means of subsistence through daring and difficult wild profusions of creative activity.
“Bring the color, the paint, the performance, bring the energy, bring all of the creative riot, but make it sustainable yo, you gotta make that bread so you can get back out there tomorrow and bring that riot again day after day, for life.”
Factory on 5th
fac·to·ry on fifth / ˈfakt(ə)rē ôn fi(f)TH / place
A pink Quonset hut building constructed in 1948 by the U.S. Army, the Factory has served as a warehouse, beverage bottling factory, recycling facility, welding & carpentry shop, and creative home for Cherry Cola Dog & Art Island ATX. Today the Factory produces art, performance, workshops, events and community connectivity.
“Yo I was making mad art during the punk show yesterday when I got to talking with a filmmaker looking to screen her debut in collaboration with a local dance troupe so she’s popping in after figure drawing tonight to talk details.”
Riot Bread Enterprises
ri·ot bread en·ter·pris·es / ˈrīət bred ˈen-tə-ˌprīz-əz / people
A unit of economic organization generating a sustainable means of subsistence through daring and difficult wild profusions of creative activity.
“Bring the color, the paint, the performance, bring the energy, bring all of the creative riot, but make it sustainable yo, you gotta make that bread so you can get back out there tomorrow and bring that riot again day after day, for life.”