What you receive.
- Access to the Factory on 5th for 12hours (9am-9pm) to create, display & sell.
- Guaranteed minimum of 100 sq/ft floor space. Limit of (8) reservations per day. Permissible to secure more minimum space by reserving & paying for more than (1) of (8).
- Dedicated use by first-come, first-served basis of folding tables (limit 1), folding chairs, display panels (limit 2), and display accessories (shelves, baskets, picture hooks & apparel waterfalls).
- Community use of stainless steel work tables, exterior workshop, tool shed, refrigerator & freezer.
- 1 day access...$20/Day
- 30 days of access...$500/Month
- 3 month lease + On-site storage...$450/Monthx3
- 6 month lease + On-site storage + Reduced Venue Rental Rate...$400/Monthx6
- Tuesday Figure Art Open Sessions: $0 session fee & extended access until 11pm in exchange for breaking down early or moving to the patio by 6pm
- Live Music Events: $0 additional vendor fee & extended access until close of show (typically 2am) in exchange for accepting a 6'x4' allotment of space allocated by the Factory 2hours before start of show (typically 8pm) and limiting activity to retail vending only.